Shanghai is unbearably hot in the summers and temperatures can average in the 90s with over 70% humidity. With this hot weather comes a most refreshing snack on almost every corner- Ice Cream! With prices ranging from 15 cents to the luxury Magnums at 60 cents, it is a thrifty and tasty way to stay cool. Going to the local shop down the street, I picked up 20 different types for under $5. One clever treat was corn-flavored ice cream with a cake cone sleeve. Others included mochi on a stick, and green and red bean popsicles. A banana pop was especially intriguing as it had a crispy banana flavored coating. There were also various forms of just plain vanilla ice cream- on a stick, in a box-shape (similar to a “naked” Klondike Bar) and in various size cups. Young and old eat ice cream, and I think it’s one of the best deals in China.